Recruitment Services

Our team of experts crafts effective recruitment and retention plans targeting specific patient populations, ensuring culturally and linguistically appropriate messaging. Individual site and country recruitment plans, customized for cultural nuances, are developed and meticulously implemented, with site-specific trainings conducted to align strategies and responsibilities.

TOTAL’s commitment extends to diversity-specific training and site visits for both high and low-enrolling sites, optimizing enrollment outcomes. Our holistic approach includes setting site-specific enrollment goals, managing, training, and participating in enrollment contracts, tracked through the advanced D Dash™ metric dashboard.

The program launch is a dynamic event showcased at Investigator Meetings, followed by proactive management and contingency services to meet enrollment targets. Stay informed and engaged with bi-monthly enrollment webinars and newsletters, and leverage TOTAL’s expertise for seamless patient recruitment planning and management, ensuring success across diverse populations. Choose TOTAL for a strategic, culturally sensitive, and results-driven approach to clinical trial recruitment.

D Dash™ – Metrics Dashboard

Our diversity programs include the D DASH service:

  • Proprietary tool for tracking and monitoring diverse enrollment in clinical trials.
  • Conducts weekly data reviews to assess progress towards diversity goals.
  • Receives live data feeds from sponsors’ EDC or IWRS systems.
  • Modifies recruitment activities based on site progress.

Study Startup

  • Utilizes DTEACH™ best practices portal for targeted improvements.
  • Detailed feasibility and site access using the Diversity Site Assessment Tool (DSAT).
  • DSAT benchmarks sites on 25 critical factors for diversity and inclusion.
  • Project kick-off Meetings to establish project foundations.

Site Support

  • Comprehensive support services for diverse recruitment and retention.
  • Community outreach and onsite ambassadors for global impact.
  • Establishes meaningful relationships with sites.
  • Customized training programs for site success.

Creative Messaging

  • Study specific patient facing website for a seamless online experience.
  • Study specific advocacy initiatives through partnerships with advocacy groups.
  • Recruitment kits, providing educational materials for increased enrollment.
  • Online (digital marketing initiatives) for targeted campaigns.

Physician Relationships and Referral Program

  • Forges connections with diverse physicians and research investigators.
  • Enhances clinical trials through strategic site selection and inclusive outreach.
  • Establishes a powerful referral network.
  • Utilizes racial and ethnic platforms for outreach.


  • Crafting effective recruitment and retention plans targeting specific patient populations.
  • Setting site-specific enrollment goals tracked through D Dash™.
  • Proactive management and contingency services for meeting enrollment targets.
  • Diversity-specific training and site visits.

Diversity in Clinical Trials: Ensuring Representation and Equity

Developing a Better Understanding of the Knowledge, Expertise, and Best Practices at  Clinical Research Sites to Meet the Needs of an Increasingly Diverse United States  Population.

Get Connected with the TOTAL Team


(214) 855-1222

The Only CRO with Comprehensive Diversity Integration Services