


Our services, enriched by our extensive clinical trial management experience, offer a strategic, culturally sensitive, and results-driven approach to clinical trial diversity, encompassing recruitment, site support, physician relationships, and creative messaging.

Our team will bring their expertise and specialized skill sets to your project. We offer a full range of services across a variety of therapeutic areas and guarantee responsiveness and open communication throughout every step!

D-Dash™ – Metrics Dashboard

Study Startup

Physician Relationships and Referral Program

Site Support


Creative Messaging

D-Dash Metrics Dashboard

Our diversity programs include the D DASH service:

  • Proprietary tool for tracking and monitoring diverse enrollment in clinical trials
  • Receives live data feeds from sponsors’ EDC or IVRS systems
  • Conducts weekly data reviews to assess progress towards diversity goals
  • Modifies recruitment activities based on site progress

Study Startup

    • Project Kick Off Meetings to establish project foundations.
    • Detailed feasibility and site access using the Diversity Site Assessment Tool (DSAT).
    • DSAT benchmarks sites on 25 critical factors for diversity and inclusion.
    • Utilizes DTEACH™ Best Practices Portal for targeted improvements.

Physician Relationships and Referral Program

  • Forges connections with diverse physicians and research investigators.
  • Establishes a powerful referral network.
  • Utilizes racial and ethnic platforms for outreach.
  • Enhances clinical trials through strategic site selection and inclusive outreach.

Site Support

  • Comprehensive support services for diverse recruitment and retention.
  • Establishes meaningful relationships with sites.
  • Customized training programs for site success.
  • Community outreach and onsite ambassadors for global impact.


  • Crafting effective recruitment and retention plans targeting specific patient populations.
  • Diversity-specific training and site visits.
  • Setting site-specific enrollment goals tracked through D-DashTM.
  • Proactive management and contingency services for meeting enrollment targets.

Creative Messaging

  • Study Specific Patient Facing Website for a seamless online experience.
  • Online (Digital Marketing Initiatives) for targeted campaigns.
  • Study Specific Advocacy Initiatives through partnerships with advocacy groups.
  • Recruitment Kits, providing educational materials for increased enrollment.

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The Only CRO with Comprehensive Diversity Integration Services